Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week 85

So this was another successful week. On Monday we had a family home evening at our branch presidents house and that was really fun, some of the sister's investigators were there and it was really nice. On Tuesday it was a normal day of work but it was fun,we got ignored the whole day but we managed to get some lessons. The next day we had exchanges with the Calabanga district leaders... Elders Grospe and Cole. It was a great day we got 12 lessons all together, we were also privileged to eat some nice adobe that Elder Grospe made for us. On Thursday  we went to Calabanga to join their district meeting and that was fun. Turned out that the church was locked and that we had no other place to do district meeting so we actually called a member and asked if we could have it in her home and she said yes. She also made us Chicken Curry and that was glorious. After that I got some motion sickness than we came home, went to our far area and taught one of our investigators who is going to be baptized in December.  We went there and taught her and a less active member and we walked home. It was a good hour walk but it was a nice walk because we had really nice weather, it was dark ,a little cool and drizzling. The next day we worked hard as well got a couple of new investigators and some that were already talking about baptism and they are already reading the Book Of Mormon. But yeah good days. And on Saturday we went on splits with the assistants we got a couple of lessons but it was really hard because it was the Day of the Dead.  Everyone just goes to the cemetery to hang out with their dead so no one was at home, it was really hard to teach but we got some good conversations with people. I met some one from orange county so it was way cool. On Sunday we had 2 investigators come to church and also had one young man named Mark Anthony come for the first time and that was a really cool and our investigator class was full this week also so that was fun. We also had an area Philippines broadcast got to listen to Elder Dallin H. Oaks and other general authorities and it was really uplifting   This morning I am getting a nice suit made so I am excited to see what it looks like in 3 weeks. But thats about it but thanks everyone for the emails they are great and ill talk to you again next week.

Elder Llorens

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